Whilst I enjoy chasing DX, my real enjoyment is contests. There is always something more to learn in contesting, and I operate single operator, two radio (SO2R) in single operator contests, and Multi-Single or Muti-Two in more significant contests, generally using my contest call of G5W.
The station comprises a pair of Yaesu FTDX101 transceivers and an Elecraft K3 transceiver, with linear amplifiers and an SO2R controller. Dunestar bandpass filters allow simultaneous operation of the two stations on different bands without mutual interference.
Antennas are on two towers – yagis for 40-10m and dipoles, together with a Titanex 90ft vertical for 160/80 with an extensive ground mat. The antennas and filters are all auto-switched. You can see an antenna layout here.
Receiving antennas include two beverages and a K9AY loop array.
An SDR is available to drive a local skimmer which is networked to the contest logging software.
Contest logging is via Win-Test or DX Log, and normal station logging uses Logger32.
You can see some of the results in the major CQ contests here